Show Us the Father

Show Us The Father - Individual Paperback

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By: Devin Schadt

What would happen if every father discovered his true identity, power, and necessity?

A father’s mission is to be a link between heaven and earth, between God and His children. He does this by becoming the voice of the Father that his children cannot hear, the face of the Father that his children cannot see, and the touch of the Father that his children cannot feel. This is his mission, his challenge, and his call to glory.

Show Us The Father contains the battle plan for living out this call, offering seven keys to becoming the father that God has created and destined you to be. It is time for fathers to enter this battle, fully armed, with the bold commitment to sacrifice themselves for their wives, children, and the future of humanity by becoming like St. Joseph, a father on earth like the Father in heaven.

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(Also available on iBooksKindle and Nook)