In today’s world, young women often feel pressured by a culture that promotes superficiality over genuine respect. But modesty holds an incredible power to inspire true dignity and honor, shaping not only how women see themselves but also how they are treated by others.
Our pamphlet, Modesty, What's The Point?, addresses common questions young women have about modesty, including:
“Will dressing modestly make me less attractive?”
“How can I be stylish and fashionable while staying modest?”
“Is it fair to say my clothes affect how others treat me?”
“Am I responsible for how men see me?”
“Can modesty actually help me stand out in a good way?”
“How do I resist cultural pressure to dress more revealingly?”
“Why does modesty matter in a world that values appearances?”
“How can I express my personality without sacrificing my dignity?”
This pamphlet empowers young women to embrace modesty as a choice that enhances their self-respect and influence, helping them navigate these questions with confidence and clarity.
This pamphlet is sold in bundles of 50.