Many couples question why the Church is opposed to contraception. In a world that views it as essential for family planning, it can be difficult to see why the Church insists on a different approach.
Our pamphlet, Birth Control, What’s The Big Deal?, addresses these questions and provides clarity on the Church’s perspective. Here’s what it covers:
“Why does the Church teach that contraception is wrong?”
“Isn’t it okay to use birth control if we just want to plan our family?”
“What’s the difference between Natural Family Planning (NFP) and birth control?”
“Does using birth control really affect my relationship and health?”
“Isn’t fertility something to control, like any other part of health?”
“How does contraception impact the way I view my spouse?”
“Is it true that NFP can strengthen my marriage?”
“What is the Church’s view on the true purpose of marriage and family?”
This pamphlet offers a compassionate, faith-based look at why the Church values openness to life and promotes Natural Family Planning. It guides couples to a deeper understanding of love, sacrifice, and the blessings of trusting God’s design for family.
This pamphlet comes in bundles of 50.